Set yourself free. K. Tolnoe

It was a great day, today I reached the school early as possible after entering the school compound and joined in the morning line duty. After which marked our morning attendance and reached the school auditorium. After the prayer went to 7W class and taken their attendance and checked the previous knowledge of the pupil and taken the class for proceeding topics. On the 4th period had substitution duty on 9W division and then went to kitchen for noon meals duty. On the 5th hour I had class on 6S division and completed their notes and taken the topic ' producer, consumers and decomposers'. On the 3.15 pm onwards I had evening line duty. After completing all the duties then moved to mark the evening attendance and leaved the school.

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ചിന്താപൂർവമുള്ള നീക്കം

whatever you are be a good one