Here you are moving ahead bravely despite Everything that went wrong. Rithvik Singh

It was a nice day, We reached the school at on time. Even though the rush and block in the traffic were there, we strive our maximum to reach the school on time.
After marking the morning attendance, I went to the auditorium and prepared for the first period.
 Today I had first period at 7W and there I had taken the attendance and taken the topic ' organic content in the soil '.
Next second period was at 6S division and I had managed the class and given the notes there. In the 3rd period I had taken the class at 8 L division on the topic 'five kingdom classification' in the unit "why classification". Today I had a teacher observation from the part of my optional class teacher and I had managed the class properly. Today I had noon meal duty for that I had went to that kitchen at about 11:45 p.m. and then the duty there. After the lunch break I had class at 9:00 you division and take the taken the topic 'liver and formation of sweat' there after which on the 6th period I had got a substitution at 6E division on their reading period.

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whatever you are be a good one